Friday, January 29, 2010

PPS (The Participation Points System)

Name Points (as of 2/6/2010)
Isaak 5+0
Alexis 1+2
Leo 1+2
Crystal 2+4
Ryan 2+2
Andrew 2+5
Arjolin 1+5
Jared 1+0
Encouraging classroom participation is one of the greatest challenges for many language teachers.
I’ve read about a Participation Points System (or PPS), which is a very simple yet very effective method of motivating students to overcome their passivity. The PPS aims at overcoming this barrier by allowing a tangible and immediate form of feedback to students.
To emphasize the need to practice speaking as much as possible, students in my class will receive points in the form of poker chips.
The intention is to give students a highly visible reward for participating, especially in a communicative sense. I am hoping that it will help them overcome their concern to say "right" words, and in that way help students to overcome their shyness and passivity.
Here are the rules:
  1. White chip – 1 point; Blue chip – 2 point; Red chip – 3 point
  2. Max points for each students in one day – 5 points
  3. +1 point - Being on time
  4. +1 point – Did homework
  5. +1 point – Every time answer a question in Chinese
  6. +1 point – Every time ask a question in Chinese
  7. +1 point – Every time speak to each other in Chinese
  8. -1 point – Every time English is spoken
  9. At the end of the class, the students count their points and then "cash them in". Their names are called and they call back their scores (in Chinese), then their points are recorded in the score sheet. After that poker chips are collected.
1. 几分? How many points?
2. 多少分? How many points?
3. 你有几分? How many points do you have?
4. 0分 Zero points
5. 我有一分。 I have one point.
6. 我有两分。 I have two points.
7. 我有三分。 I have three points.
8. 我有四分。 I have four points.
9. 我有五分。 I have five points.
10. 我没有分。 I have no points.

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