Sunday, March 21, 2010

Learn Chinese Faster - Character in Grades

“Chinese Character in Grades” is specifically developed for “Easy Literacy". The features are:

1. Character in Grades. For the first time it has partitioned the Chinese characters to different grades based on the usage frequency. The 4608 characters are partitioned to 18 grades for 3 levels. The 1-3 grades are of high-frequency and the 4-6 are second high-frequency, which have the coverage of 83.8% and 9.05% in Chinese literacy. The whole coverage from 1-6 grades is over 93% which means that after learning 1-6 grades you will be literate in Chinese (The 1-6 grades cover 1536 words).

2. Learning characters, words, phrases and vocabularies together. 

3. Synchronous teaching. The teaching includes 8 steps which start from characters to sentences. These 8 steps are, characters (sound & shape), understand the characters (literacy), picture (see), word (say), phrase (read), sentence (practice), dialogue (talk) and text (read aloud).

4. Unit testing. Unit testing is designed for each grade including character sequence, phrase sequence, radical choice, character formative, crossing while listening, pair matching, word meaning, wrong sentence correction, riddles, and verses reading. Such systematic training provides a solid foundation for the learners.

5. Large font. Large fonts help the learners in shape and graphics recognition, module memorizing, and cycle review. Different font sizes in each unit also help students to recognize characters in different contexts in the future.

6. Live sound. It provides live sound with a high-tech pen. With the magic pen, the learners will have a mandarin trainer anywhere. The magic pen can make different rhythms, and also teach songs with the texts in the unit lesson. You can also take tests with the magic pen and have the magic pen correct your answers if you need it. It makes great fun to learn “Chinese Character in Grades”.

Pricing - $120, including

  1. Textbooks 1-6 grades (total 1536 words)
  2. 1 magic pen




1.汉字分级 它是中国首次按照常用字频度划分等级的识字课本。全书4608字分为3等18级,无一字重复。18个级别按降序排列,每一级256个汉字分作4课,每课64个不重复的字。其中1-3级为高频字,覆盖率为83.8%;4-6级为次高频字,覆盖率为9.05%。这6个级别的覆盖率已经超过了93%。从这个意义上说,1-6级共有1536个汉字,学完了6个级别的汉字就等于过了识字关!

2. 字词同进 本书在同级汉字中,按义组合成现代汉语常用词汇,绝大多数是两字一词。这种精确编排使课文呈现出一字一声,两字一词,四字一句,八字一韵的独有特点。学习者一次就能达到识字、组词、造句、习韵的目的。

3. 同步训练 本书针对每课的64字都编有同步训练。同步内容按文、字、词、语、句、话、段、篇的顺序分为八项:汉字(认一认)、字理(学一学)、图画(看一看)、词汇(讲一讲)、短语(念一念)、句型(练一练)、会话(说一说)、短文(读一读)。

4. 单元测试 每一级汉字安排一次单元测试。测试内容分为句子排序、单字排序、形旁选择、拼形构字、听音划线、配对组合、词意通达、纠正错句、文字谜语、诗歌欣赏等十种形式。这种以字为本位的系统训练,为学生打下了扎实的基础。

5. 大字印刷 本书配合“图形认读,模块记忆、定位联想、循环复习”的韵文教学法,采用象素丰富的大字号印刷,每个单元配有不同的变形字体帮助学生更好的辨认字形。

6. 真人发声 本书采用高科技排版,能够真人发声。选配一支发声笔,就等于带了一个老师随时随地进行普通话教学。她能打出不同的节奏型,把每篇课文编成歌曲教唱,也能对你做出各种测试,当你不会做时,她还能帮助你找出答案。使用本书学习让你感到趣味无穷。

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