Sunday, February 14, 2010

WK6 - Homework

1. Watch this video and answer the following questions.

    a). The magician’s name is _______________.

    b). When counting backward, which number did the magician start with __________.

    c) When the magician separate all 54 poker cards into 10 stacks, how many cards in the 10th stack?

    d). There are 4 different kinds of poker cards (扑克牌 pū kè pái ). What are their names in Chinese?

2. Follow this link to learn to sing this Happy song 幸福拍手歌.

3. Listen to the recording, then write down the correct sentence number from the recording.

This year is 2010.


Is Jiaozi good to eat?


Today is February 13th.


My name is Sun Wukong. I am from China.


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!


Teacher Li, how are you?


It’s 10 o’clock 30 minutes.


Everybody, let’s eat cookies!


Let’s eat Jiaozi!


4. Repeat the Writing practice from week5. Please follow this link to print out the practice sheets. You can write on top of the red strokes and words. Here are the 20 words. Please use the e-stroke link at the bottom “Favorite Links” to find out the order of strokes for each word first. (女,马,什,么,口,石,匕,它,见,土,在,了,小,子,孙,人,从,个,月,大)

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