Follow this link to print out the lesson 上中下 shàng zhōng xià – Top, middle, bottom
Sunday, February 28, 2010
W8 - Homework
1. (optional) Watch video 动画片西游记 (2) 龙宫取宝. Answer the following questions:
a). Where did Sun Wukong go to get his favorite weapon 兵器 (bīng qì)?
b). What’s the name of the bīng qì that Sun Wukong got?
2. Following this link to learn 上中下(shàng zhōng xià) by 达教授 (dá jiào shòu).
3. Follow this link to learn 唱歌 (chàng gē) 小猴子(xiǎo hóu zi) .
4. Review vocabularies for Lesson 8 我好饿 (wǒ hǎo è ).
5. Read 5 times: Lesson 7 我好饿; Lesson 6 你会做什么(nǐ huì zuò shén mo)?
6. (optional) Writing practice (please review the “essential rule of stroke order” first): Bihua Bushou 笔画和部首
Friday, February 26, 2010
WK8 – Lesson Plan
Professor Dr. Shiping from China will be our guest teacher this week. Here is part of the flyer from ASI CI.
After Professor Dr. Shiping’s teaching, we will learn lesson 7 and review all the prior 6 lessons.
Objectives: Students will be able to
- Linguistic objectives – Students will be able to:
- express that they are hungry; they need to go to the bathroom, wash their hands.
- Literacy objectives – basic Hanzi stroke and Bihua exercise; apply 8 essential rules of stroke order
- experience Chinese culture: 给四川小朋友的信
1. 唱歌:幸福拍手歌 | 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 如果感到幸福就快快拍拍手呀 看哪大家都一齐拍拍手 如果感到幸福你就跺跺脚 如果感到幸福你就跺跺脚 如果感到幸福就快快跺跺脚呀 看哪大家都一齐跺跺脚 如果感到幸福你就拍拍肩 如果感到幸福你就拍拍肩 如果感到幸福就快快拍拍肩呀 看哪大家都一齐拍拍肩 |
2. Preview, review, and “teaser” 卖关子与复习 |
3. Review last week’s homework | |
4. Review: 你会做什么? |
5. 唱歌: 一个拇指动一动 | |
6. Big Event: 我好饿! | |
7. 唱歌:小猴子 | |
8. Review Vocabulary | Review词汇表 |
9. Review:笔画和部首 | |
10. Essential Writing practice P1-4 | |
11. Writing Letters to 四川小朋友 | 给四川小朋友的信 |
12. Closing routine 收场 |
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Introduction to Beginner’s Chinese
Beginners’ Chinese
The Contemporary Chinese School of Arizona
Saturday 10:00 am – 11:50 am
Instructor: Sherry Li (李雨)
Sherry’s email:
Chinese class blog:
Course Objectives:
1. This course is primarily for students age 6 – 12 without any Chinese language background.
2. There are three focuses in this course.
- Development of students’ communicative and conversational skills. The course is organized around various themes. The themes have been selected for the value of their interest t the young learners, their connections to the curriculum of the elementary and middle school, their potential for creating understanding of Chinese culture, and the usefulness of the language related to the theme.
- The second focus is to introduce students to the systematic study of Chinese characters. Students will study basic strokes, character components, single-component characters and more complex characters.
- The third focus is to introduce students to Chinese culture and establish relationship to Chinese communities both locally and internationally.
3. We focus on Chinese phonetic pronunciation. We teach Mandarin pronunciation.
Teaching Materials
1. Students are required to purchase KA, KB, KC Flying with Chinese, textbook and workbook. The cost is $65 + shipping cost.
2. Other teaching materials will be prepared by the teacher as needed.
Homework and Class Participation
1. Students are required to finish weekly homework.
2. Students are required to participate in the class.
Student Goals
If you have desire to achieve any of the following goals, this class is for you.
1. Be able to comprehend and speak beginning to intermediate level Chinese.
2. Be able to read and write commonly used Chinese characters.
3. Be able to pronounce them in correct tones.
4. Be able to read and understand commonly used Chinese expressions.
5. Be able to use Pinyin as the pronunciation and communication tool.
2.课程针对学汉字难得问题,采用由简易字到深难字的办法,从笔画部首, 到笔顺字,从独体字到结构字,让学生经历从“描”,“临”,到“背”的三个书法必经的步骤,让学生逐步掌握汉字书写的技巧。
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Chinese Culture - 十二属相
Chinese Culture - 新年快乐!
1. 2月13日 - 除夕(The day before New Year)
2. 2月14日 - 春节,新年,过年(New Year)
3. 除夕我们吃什么?年夜饭我们吃什么?
4. 我们吃饺子了!
5. 新年我们做什么?
6. 小孩子给爸爸,妈妈,爷爷,奶奶,外公,外婆拜年。
7. 爸爸妈妈给红包。
8. 给老师拜年。
9. 老师新年快乐!
10. 老师给红包.
WK7 - Homework
1. Watch video 动画片西游记 (2) 龙宫取宝. Answer the following questions: (coming soon)
2. 四川小朋友的来信。Please prepare a letter to send back to 四川小朋友.
3. Follow this link to learn 幸福拍手歌. (I have a slow recording.)
4. Read 5 times: Vocabulary List Lesson 6; Vocabulary List Lesson 5
5. Read 5 times: Lesson 6 你会做什么?; Lesson 5 我的新朋友
6. Writing practice (please review the “essential rule of stroke order” first): Bihua Bushou 笔画和部首
Friday, February 19, 2010
WK7 – Lesson Plan
Objectives: Students will be able to
- Linguistic objectives – Students will be able to:
- ask someone what they can do (你会做什么?)
- tell what they can do themselves (我会…)
- express a shared experience (也)
- tell what 年, 月, 日, 星期几, 几点几分 (year, month and day, week, time)
- experience Chinese culture: 十二属相,也叫十二生肖;四川小朋友的来信
1. 学唱歌:幸福拍手歌 | 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 如果感到幸福就快快拍拍手呀 看哪大家都一齐拍拍手 如果感到幸福你就跺跺脚 如果感到幸福你就跺跺脚 如果感到幸福就快快跺跺脚呀 看哪大家都一齐跺跺脚 如果感到幸福你就拍拍肩 如果感到幸福你就拍拍肩 如果感到幸福就快快拍拍肩呀 看哪大家都一齐拍拍肩 |
2. Preview, review, and “teaser” 卖关子与复习 |
3. Chinese Culture: 2010年是什么年? | 十二属相,也叫十二生肖。 Use 12 animals to represent people’s age. ![]() 2010年是虎年。 老师是兔子。 你是什么? |
4. Big Event: 你会做什么? |
Literacy practice: 声调and笔画
5. 学唱歌: 一个拇指动一动 | |
6. Letters from Sichuan Friends: 四川朋友 | 四川小朋友的来信 |
7. Review: I can (我会) | I can do these things in 中文, can you? |
8. Closing routine 收场 |
Sunday, February 14, 2010
WK6 - Homework
1. Watch this video and answer the following questions.
a). The magician’s name is _______________.
b). When counting backward, which number did the magician start with __________.
c) When the magician separate all 54 poker cards into 10 stacks, how many cards in the 10th stack?
d). There are 4 different kinds of poker cards (扑克牌 pū kè pái ). What are their names in Chinese?
2. Follow this link to learn to sing this Happy song 幸福拍手歌.
3. Listen to the recording, then write down the correct sentence number from the recording.
This year is 2010. | 1 |
Is Jiaozi good to eat? | ___ |
Today is February 13th. | ___ |
My name is Sun Wukong. I am from China. | ___ |
Happy New Year! | ___ |
Happy New Year! | ___ |
Teacher Li, how are you? | ___ |
It’s 10 o’clock 30 minutes. | ___ |
Everybody, let’s eat cookies! | ___ |
Let’s eat Jiaozi! | ___ |
4. Repeat the Writing practice from week5. Please follow this link to print out the practice sheets. You can write on top of the red strokes and words. Here are the 20 words. Please use the e-stroke link at the bottom “Favorite Links” to find out the order of strokes for each word first. (女,马,什,么,口,石,匕,它,见,土,在,了,小,子,孙,人,从,个,月,大)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
WK6 – Lesson Plan
Objectives: Students will be able to
- experience Chinese culture – Chinese New Year: 吃饺子,发红包, 用筷子, 十二生肖
- tell what 年, 月, 日, 星期几, 几点几分 (year, month and day, week, time) it is
- express that they are hungry, they need to go to bathroom, wash their hands
1. 学唱歌:幸福拍手歌 | 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 如果感到幸福就快快拍拍手呀 看哪大家一齐拍拍手 如果感到幸福你就跺跺脚 如果感到幸福你就跺跺脚 如果感到幸福就快快跺跺脚呀 看哪大家一齐跺跺脚 如果感到幸福你就伸伸腰 如果感到幸福你就伸伸腰 如果感到幸福就快快伸伸腰呀 看哪大家一齐伸伸腰 如果感到幸福你就挤挤眼儿 如果感到幸福你就挤挤眼儿 如果感到幸福就快快挤挤眼儿呀 看哪大家一齐挤挤眼儿 如果感到幸福你就拍拍肩 如果感到幸福你就拍拍肩 如果感到幸福就快快拍拍肩呀 看哪大家一齐拍拍肩 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 如果感到幸福就快快拍拍手呀 看哪大家一齐拍拍手 |
2. Preview, review, and “teaser” 卖关子与复习 |
3. Chinese New Year 春节 | 2月13日 - 除夕(The day before New Year) 2月14日 - 春节,新年,过年(New Year) 除夕我们吃什么?年夜饭我们吃什么? 我们吃饺子了! 新年我们做什么? 小孩子给爸爸,妈妈,爷爷,奶奶,外公,外婆拜年。 爸爸妈妈给红包。 给老师拜年。 老师新年好! 老师给红包. Literacy practice |
4. Big Event: 我们吃饺子了! | 我们吃饺子了! 大家吃饺子了! 我好饿! 我也好饿! 我要上厕所! 我也要上厕所! 我要洗手! 我也要洗手! Literacy practice |
5. Big Event: 2010年是什么年? | 十二属相,也叫十二生肖。 Use 12 animals to represent people’s age. ![]() 2010年是虎年。 老师是兔子。 你是什么? |
6. Big Event: 你,您 |
Literacy practice |
7. Big Event: Miyu谜语 Riddles | |
8. Closing routine 收场 |
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
WK5 - Homework
- Follow this link to memorize two riddles. Next Saturday 2/13, CCSA will host a Chinese New Year celebration event. All students should dress in Chinese costumes or in red. All participating students will receive a goody bag. The major activity is guessing riddles. So please memorize these two riddles to win extra prizes.
- Follow this link to review the vocabulary list for Lesson 5.
- Follow this link to review Lesson 5 - 我的新朋友。
- If you have the workbook, please do page 14, 15, 16 and 17. I’ve uploaded the pages online.
- Writing practice. Please follow this link to print out the practice sheets. You can write on top of the red strokes and words. Here are the 20 words. Please use the e-stroke link at the bottom “Favorite Links” to find out the order of strokes for each word first. (女,马,什,么,口,石,匕,它,见,土,在,了,小,子,孙,人,从,个,月,大)